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TNI: Kekuatan Militer Indonesia (2)

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Total Penduduk: 237.512.352 [2008]
Tersedia penduduk: 125.530.542 [2008]
Cocok untuk Militer Service: 104496911 [2008]
Militer mencapai Umur Annually: 4.291.700 [2008]
Personil Militer aktif: 316.000 [2008]
Militer aktif Cadangan: 400.000 [2008]
Bersifat kemiliteran aktif Satuan: 207.000 [2008]

Tanah total Berbasis Senjata: 2122
Tanks: 425 [2004]
Berlapis baja Personnel Carriers: 684 [2004]
Towed artileri: 293 [2004]
Yg maju bergerak sendiri Guns: 70 [2004]
Senjata anti-Pesawat: 515 [2004]

Total Navy Ships: 111
Merchant Marine Strength: 971 [2008]
Utama dan pelabuhan Ports: 10
Pesawat Carriers: 0 [2008]
Destroyers: 0 [2008]
Submarines: 2 [2004]
Patroli Pesisir & Kerajinan: 24 [2004]
Mine Warfare Craft: 12 [2004]
Amfibi Craft: 26 [2004]

Pesawat total: 313 [2004]
Helikopter: 194 [2004]
Berfaedah Airports: 652 [2007]

Anggaran Pertahanan: $ 4740000000 [2008]
Foreign Exch. Asing Exch. & Gold: $56,920,000,000 [2007] &
Purchasing Power: $ 843.700.000 [2008]

Produksi minyak: 837.500 BBL / hari [2007]
Konsumsi Minyak: 1.100.000 BBL / hari [2006]
Membuktikan Cadangan Minyak: 4430000000 BBL [2007]

Buruh Force: 109900000 [2007]
Roadways: 391.009 km
Kereta api: 6458 km

Waterways: 21579 km
Pantai: 54.716 km
Square Tanah Luas: 1.919.440 km

Sources: US Library of Congress; Central Intelligence Agency Sumber: US Library of Congress; Central Intelligence Agency
Last Updated: 2/12/2009 Last Updated: 2/12/2009

Postingan terkait:

  • Daftar negara dengan Militer Terkuat di Dunia

  • TNI  Militer Terkuat di Dunia (1)
  • About the Author

    Ayah dari 3 anak blasteran Jawa dan Bugis-Mandar, non partisan, pembelajar, dan santri.

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